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2024 K-8 Fall Clinics

2024 Fall Clinics

2024 FALL Clinics Grades K-8



WHO:  Players in grades Kindergarten - 8th Grade
WHEN:  Sundays, September 15-October 6
K-4:  4:30-5:45pm;  $90
5-8:  5:00-7pm; $100
WHERE:  Miss. Porters School, Oaklea Field Hockey Field:  36 Mountain Road, Farmington, CT  (Across the street from the Hillstead Museum- Note:  No Idling or Parking at the Hillstead Museum)   


K-4th Grade Clinics: Clinics at this age focus on introducing, developing and reinforcing basic field hockey skills using fun drills and small sided games.  Emphasis will be placed on skill development and basic team play.  (Dribbling, passing and possession skills as well as shooting drills and field positioning). Players will be divided into two groups based on experience and age.  Goalkeeper training may be introduced at this age based on player interest.  Clinics are held once per week for 60 minutes over a 5 week session. 

Grades 5-8 Clinics: These Clinics are longer and will focus not only on enhancing technical ball handling skills including sweeping, hitting, flicking, aerials, but also higher level offensive and defensive skills.  Players will be separated by skill level and introduced to corners, offensive and defensive game strategies, and will get the opportunity to scrimmage their teammates.  Players will develop and refine the skills necessary to the game as well as build confidence and composure on the field. 

Equipment Required: Stick, Shinguards, Mouthguard, Waterbottle (Protective eye wear is permitted but not required)
*We have a limited supply of smaller sticks for young players to borrow if needed* Please let us know ahead of time if your daughter needs a stick. 
Sticks can also be purchased online or at a local sporting goods store. 

*Goalkeeping equipment will be provided for players interested in trying the goalkeeper position

Refund Policy:

​Registration fees are based on a variety of costs.  Notably, the Club incurs costs once players register to play in order to prepare for a season’s operational expenses.  These expenses include, but are not limited to, renting facilities, paying coaches, insurance, and supplies.  However, Hartford Havoc Field Hockey Club recognizes that players may need to withdraw from a season or an event due to personal, unforeseen circumstances.  

Our refund policy is as follows:

  • 100% refund 30+ days prior to the start of the session/event.
  • 50% refund 15-29 days prior to the start of the session/event.
  • No refunds will be issued 2 weeks before the program start date. 

Closures/ Inclement Weather Policy

Occasionally, Havoc must cancel or restrict hours of operation due to weather or other unpredictable non-weather events (COVID related and aka, “acts of God”). Due to the impracticality of rescheduling large enrollments and pre-arranged facility rental agreements, make-up sessions will not be scheduled and refunds/account credits will not be issued in these instances. 

In general, we will only cancel due to thunderstorms/ lightning and other severe inclement weather. We will notify parents and players via email, social media and otherwise designated group messages as far in advance as is feasible.  Every effort will be made to proceed with all scheduled clinics/ practices/ events.